The ABN news channel's head, Radhakrishna disclosed some interesting facts about rajamouli and the makers of 'Magadheera' in the 'Open Heart' program with Mega Power Star Rm Charan. The channel's head said, "rajamouli was annoyed with the makers of 'Magadheera', as he felt he was given not that importance, as Ram Charan gets. But then, we are aware that rajamouli too, has got enough recognition, credit and respect by the makers during the release and running of the movie. Even then, rajamouli should remember the basic fact that a big star's movie collections are mostly based on his star stamina and the director only gets next place after the hero.
Having taken the channel's words into consideration, it is easily understood that the costliest movie of tollywood, 'Baahubali' is being made due to the super ego developed by rajamouli. Well, the point is that ego feelings are must for people to do wonders. In that perspective, rajamouli's ego will definitely do good for him. But then, it remains to be seen whether Prabhas' stamina is on par with Ram Charan's or not.
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